Important to know

Please note that it is wise to contact your vet before you start rehydrating your cat yourself. If your cat needs fluid replacement instead of regular water, it could be so unwell that it needs to be on a drip directly into the blood.

A cat needs approximately 0.5 decilitres of liquid per kilogram per day. But a dehydrated cat needs more. Sometimes up to twice as much water. In case of diarrhoea or vomiting, a cat loses fluid quickly and may need extra water or sometimes fluid replacement.

How to make fluid replacement for your cat

1 litre of water
1 tablespoon of dextrose
1 teaspoon of salt

Mix water, dextrose and salt. Boil the water so that the liquid substitute is mixed well. Be sure to let the replacement cool down properly before giving it to your cat. The replacement must be stored in a refrigerator and will stay fresh for up to 24 hours. after this, you need to make a new batch.

How to give your cat fluid replacement

Portion out the liquid replacement that you give the cat. Excessive and rapid fluid intake can lead to vomiting. If your cat does not drink water on its own, you can try offering the cat broth, remember that it must not be too salty or strong. Another option is to try giving the cat soaked wet food in small portions. If your cat does not drink on its own, you may need to feed the cat using a spoon or syringe, most simply via the corner of the mouth.

When should I seek help?

  • In case of worsening general condition
  • If your cat swallowed a foreign object
  • If your cat vomits water despite having only received small amounts of water at a time
  • If you have a kitten or old cat
  • If the vomiting or diarrhoea is bloody or black
  • If the cat continues to vomit/have diarrhoea despite a soft diet
  • If problems with vomiting or diarrhoea are recurrent